ENT & Head - Neck Surgery

ENT & Head - Neck Surgery

  • This department deals with all the kind of diseases of EAR, NOSE & THROAT. Recent advances in clinical knowledge and technology has achieved higher success in this speciality.
  • Highly qualified and skilful surgeons with advanced technology instruments make this department a valuable part of the hospital.

  • Micro- Ear Surgery and Cochlear Implant Surgery
  • Audiology ( Hearing Assesment & Hearing Aids.)
  • Vertigo Clinic


    The sensation of motion when no motion is occurring relative to earth’s gravity.• Causes:- Inner Ear (75%), Central Nervous System (25%), Psychological rarely,

    • Other words used:- Dizziness, Light headedness, Unsteadiness,

    • Vertigo is a syndrome with many variable causes.

    • Appropriate treatment requires definitive diagnosis.

    • Clinical history and necessary tests are required to ensure correct diagnosis.

    Vertigo Diagnosis

    Correct treatment depends upon correct diagnosis

    • Video Nystagmography (VNG):-

    Eyes are the windows to the vestibular system. Movements of eyes (Nystagm) in different conditions and automatic analysis of eyes movements leads to correct diagnosis.

    • Video Head Impulse test (VHIT):-

    The judgment is made on comparison of eye movement to the head movements.

    • Vemp (Vestibular Evokes Myogenic Potential):-

    Vestibular system is assessed based on response of neck muscle to the sound.

    • Electrocochleography (EcochG):-

    Inner Ear electrical activity is assessed very accurately and judgment is made according to action potential work patterns.

  • Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
  • Allergy Clinic
  • Rhinoplasty (Nose Correction surgery)
  • Tonsils and Adenoid surgery
  • Micro laryngeal Surgery (Voicebox Surgery)
  • Sleep Apnea Surgery.

  • Micro Ear Surgery
  • Cochlear Implant Surgery
  • Audiology & Hearing Aids
  • Vertigo Clinic


The delicate parts of ear are corrected using MICROSCOPE and MICRO INSTRUMENTS in this surgeries.


Recurrent eardrum infection leads to eardrum perforation.

The surgical repair of eardrum and ossicles is known as TYMPANOPLASTY.


Recurrent ingression of skin into middle ear with erosion of middle ear bone leads to cholesteatoma. The surgery for removing choleateatoma and reconstruction is known as MASTOIDECTOMY.

Glue Ear

Collection of mucus secretion behind the eardrum is known as glue ear.

Through small incision in eardrum the mucus is aspirated and a ventilation tube is placed across the drum , this procedure is known as Myringotomy with Grommet insertion.

3rd Bone Fixation

Otosclerosis leads to 3rd oscicular fixation with deafness.

In stepedotomy with piston insertion is required to overcome the fixation of 3rd bone.


The Cochlear Implant is the device that bypasses the hearing organ (cochlea) and sends the sound impulses directly to the hearing nerve.

This is the treatment of choice for bilateral severe to profound hearing loss.

This is boon for deaf and mute infants and children.


Internal device: The implant is fitted inside the ear through operation.

External device: it is worn behind the ear to catch the sound impulses.

Now the device and opereation is free of cost in central government scheme.

AUDIOLOGY ( Hearing tests and hearing aids)


• Hearing is the special sense gifted by the God to human being.

• Deafness is due to some problem in the ear.

• It can be due to

External Ear - Wax, fungus, foreign body tumor.

Middle Ear – Infection, Perforated Eardrum.

Inner Ear – Due to age, Tumor, ototoxic drugs.



- A very basic test to know cause and severity of deafness.

2. Impedance Audiometry:

- A specific test to know the middle ear pathology.

3. Behavioural Audiometry:

- For subjective hearing assessment in children.

4. OAE:

- Screening test of hearing for infants and children.

5. BERA:

- Diagnostic Test of hearing for infants and children.

6. ASSR:

- For identification of hearing threshold in children.


Post cochlear implant rehabilitation & Services

- Habilitation/Rehabilitation for children begins shortly after the implant is activated. Families should commit to a minimum of 1 year of rehabilitation in order to maximize the outcomes.

- Post implant services include mapping of the cochlear implant, troubleshooting of cochlear implant and keeping the device to its maximum ability to provide children with adequate hearing.

Voice Therapy

Voice therapy is designed to reduce hoarseness/harshness of voice through intervention techniques which makes use of vocal exercises, maintaining proper posture and following the vocal hygiene tips.

Some of the vocal pathologies include:

1. Vocal Nodule

2. Vocal Polyp

3. Vocal cord paralysis/ Paresis (Due to stroke or other neurological disorders)

4. Spasmodic Dysphonia

5. Functional Dysphonia

Fluency Therapy

For children and adults, fluency therapy helps reduce stuttering with the help of relaxation techniques and teaching ways to reduce the errors occurring during speech leading to stammering or getting stuck while talking.

Speech and Language Rehabilitation

Children who are slow to develop communication skills may be referred to speech and language therapy/rehabilitation.

Dysphagia(Swallowing) Therapy

People with eating or swallowing difficulty have to undergo Swallowing therapy. Swallowing difficulty can occur after stroke or due to other neurological disorders.

BAHA (Bone Anchored Hearing Aid) can be fitted for person with single sided hearing loss as well as people with microtia (under developed ear) and anotia (completely missing ear).


The sensation of motion when no motion is occurring relative to earth’s gravity.

• Causes:- Inner Ear (75%), Central Nervous System (25%), Psychological rarely,

• Other words used:- Dizziness, Light headedness, Unsteadiness,

• Vertigo is a syndrome with many variable causes.

• Appropriate treatment requires definitive diagnosis.

• Clinical history and necessary tests are required to ensure correct diagnosis.


Video Nystagmography (VNG)

Eyes are the windows to the vestibular system. Movements of eyes (Nystagmus) in different conditions and automatic analysis of eyes movements leads to correct diagnosis.

Video Head Impulse test (VHIT)

The judgment is made on comparison of eye movement to the head movements.

VEMP: (Vestibular Evokes Myogenic Potential)

Vestibular system is assessed based on response of neck muscle to the sound.

Cochlear Implant Head

Endoscopic Sinus Surgery


Nose and sinuses has function of taking the breath from the environment, humidification of air and passing it to the lungs. It also drains the tears of the eyes.

Endoscopic sinus surgery is required when Nose, Paranasal sinuses or tear draining system are blocked.

• Chronic sinusitis refractory to medical treatment

• Recurrent sinusitis

• Nasal polyposis

• Antrochoanal polyps

• Sinus mucoceles

• Excision of selected tumors

• Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak closure

• Orbital decompression (eg, Graves ophthalmopathy)

• Optic nerve decompression

• Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR)

• Choanal atresia repair

• Foreign body removal

• Epistaxis control





Foreign Body in Nose


Micro-Laryngeal Surgery

Tonsils &Adenoid Surgery

Sleep Apnoea &Snoring Surgery

Micro-Laryngeal Surgery: (Voice box Surgery)

Voice box has the function of phonation.

Micro-Laryngeal surgery deals with the disorders of the vocal cords.



In case or recurrent infections of tonsils, enlarged tonsils causing difficulty in speaking and swallowing requires surgical removal of tonsils known as TONSILLECTOMY.


The lymphoid tissue behind the nose are known as ADENOIDS.

Hypertrophy of adenoid causes nasal obstruction in children, require surgical removal of adenoids known as ADENOIDECTOMY.

The children with enlarge adenoids have to breathe through their mouth, develops typical face known as ADENOID FACE.


Patients with deviated nasal septum, hypertrophied palate or hypertrophied tongue base develops episodes of cessation of respiration during the sleep due to respiratory obstruction , known as Sleep Apnoea.

Sleep Study is required to diagnose the problem.

Weight loss, CPAP machine or surgery are requied to control the condition.

ENT & Head - Neck Surgery | IRIS Hospital

OPD No. 101, 103

Monday to Saturdays

10:00AM to 1:00PM

5:00PM to 7:00PM

Phone: 02692-288235 (by Appointment)

  • Different facilities available include general ward (separate for male & female patients), private – single (with and without AC) & deluxe rooms and suite rooms.
  • Fully equipped ICU facilities
  • Fully equipped Trauma & Emergency centre
  • In house advanced laboratory and radiological services


Dr. Mehul S. Patel

ENT & Cochlear Implant Surgeon

Dr. Nilay S. Shah

ENT Surgeon, Neuro-otologist & Allergologist